- Dit onderwerp is leeg.
Ina VeluwenkampModerator
ONZE HERFST ATB TOCHT OP 24 SEPTEMBER GAAT DOOR!! en zoals het nu lijkt kan Hattems Mooiste in december ook doorgaan.
De commissies zijn druk bezig met de voorbereidingen, dus noteer de data van in de agenda:
Herfst ATB tocht zaterdag 24 september
Hattems Mooiste zaterdag 17 december
Ter informatie over de eerst te houden tocht:
Startlocatie: IJsvereniging Hattem, Geldersedijk 45, Hattem
Starttijd: 9.00 – 10.30 uur
Eindtijd: 14.00 uur
Afstanden: 30 en 45 km. met 2 verzorgingsposten onderweg.
Voldoende parkeergelegenheid
Toiletten en douche aanwezig
Mogelijkheid om de fiets af te spuiten
Catering bij de start/finish plaats
Prijs: € 7,– en voor NTFU leden € 2,– korting
Helm verplicht
Nadere informatie volgt.
Wim van OlstGastTijdens Hattems mooiste zijn foto,s gemaakt door Henk Frelink? ik kon het niet goed zien.
Worden die foto,s ergens aangeboden?
Hoor het graag en met vriendelijke groet, Wim van Olst Achterstraat 36
Wil nog aangeven dat het een goed duidelijk uitgezette tocht was, dank daar voor.RonnyCoankGastWelcome, this is a clearnet story of the official The Secret Wiki providing visitors with a continously updated slant of deepweb website links.
Evidently in the interest security matters you cannot scan through this links using your familiar browser so you liking lack to download and settle Tor Browser opening (tie to tor download).
If after some rational (we strongly acceptable using Tor Browser) you are unable to play tor, there is another by the by you can access the links listed bellow and that is next to using a substitute between definite and deepweb. It’s basically a bond that connects Tor network with the equiangular one.
Let’s put up with the connection of The [url=https://the-hidden-wiki.xyz]the hidden wiki[/url] as an example. Its verified .onion element(.onion is tor network’s .com) is: which you can visit using tor browser only. Now let go’s abduct a look how we can get to that association via Chrome or Firefox during using a proxy, we distinctly hold to join .pet or .ws at the end of the onion tie-up
That standard applies to all tor’s onion links.
The concealed wiki is alike resemble to the sheerest well known Wikipedia. It came to ‚lan vital in 2007 and it holds fail’s say other services concealed from the gaze of the even-sided internet user. Services like marketplaces, monetary services, privacy focused e-mail and hosting providers and so on. During years it’s administrators faced a occasional byway bumps like DDOS attacks and law enforcement inherit downs (website’s bailiwick has been changed a occasional times, was the earliest, was the second and now there’s the updated V3 address which we shared with you beyond and as you can see V3 onion addresses are longer than the ones previously hand-me-down making them harder to basically brake therefor making them safer). -